We envision creating sustainably empowered global communities. We approach our vision through diverse programs aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Let Us Dream stands committed to fostering positive change through Empowering communities.

SDG 3 - Good Health and Wellbeing
This three-year after-school program addresses the holistic health and well-being of each participant left under-attended at their regular schooling. The program addresses the psychosocial skill development of its stakeholders.
SDG 4 - Quality Education
Differentiating ourselves with an impactful 1:2 mentor-mentee ratio ensures a student-centric holistic development. Engaging in diverse activities and interactive sessions brings exposure to bridge formal education and real-world experiences, empowering students to become lifelong learners and critical/creative thinkers.
SDG 5 - Gender Equality
The program ensures a safe, inclusive environment to enforce gender equality to all mentors and mentees throughout the program.
SDG 10 - Reduce Inequalities
The program was designed to address our education system's inequalities and challenges. The program focuses on those students who need more opportunities and attention for their growth to their full potential.
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
The project is implemented to build the future generation with social commitment and civic sense to lead and care for better and sustainable communities and cities.
SDG 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
The project promotes harmony and inclusion among stakeholders from different demographic and socio-cultural backgrounds. The program envisions creating harmonious transnational and transculturally connected social institutions.
SDG 17 - Partnership for the Goals
The DREAMS Intervention Program accomplished its goals by collaborating with Higher Education Institutions, Schools and Community organisations/businesses. The program builds an extensive network of educational institutions and organisations glocally.

SDG 3 - Good Health and Wellbeing
The monthly meeting promotes mentoring and sharing the members' experiences, concerns and challenges. Together, they discuss and find possible solutions that promote members' well-being and better performance.
SDG 4 - Quality Education
The members of the club learn from each other's experiences and expertise. The feedback system and collaborative efforts to solve their professional challenges impart knowledge sharing and learning.
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequality
The members of the clubs are from different backgrounds and domains to foster inclusivity and understanding. This diversity and inclusion promotes openness to diverse perspectives.
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
Monthly deliberations promote engagement, aligning to create sustainable and resilient communities through mutual understanding and support.
SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Members of different walks of life collaborate with an openness and inclusive mindset that promotes harmony and justice in their organisations and communities.
SDG 17 - Partnership for the Goals
The members of the clubs are selected from different organisations and institutions to achieve the objectives mentioned above.

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being
Community conferences promote initiatives and models for health interventions and solutions in the local communities and on a global platform.
SDG 4 - Quality Education
The conferences advocate and promote initiatives and models of inclusive and holistic education. The presentations revolve around diverse, innovative models and policies to break down barriers and provide equal access to quality education.
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
Conferences address social disparities, promote social inclusion, and combat discrimination by introducing community best practices and initiatives.
SDG 13 - Climate Action
One of the tracks of the LUD conferences is focused on climate justice and environmental protection. The conference promulgates sustainable actions and initiatives to combat climate change and environmental protection.
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
LUD Conferences are consistently implemented in collaboration with Universities and Colleges, Community Institutions and for-profit/Not-for-profit Organisations.

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being
Music, dance and theatre have a considerable power in promoting holistic health and personal wellbeing. The music and themes used in the LUD Productions are always aimed to inspire and motivate the audience.
SDG 4 - Quality Education
The members who are part of the productions are the people who are only sometimes given opportunities for learning and performance. LUD Productions provides opportunities to those underserved for their skill development and performance.
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
LUD Productions promulgates the value of caring for others and communities for sustainable flourishing.
SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Productions created by the LUD teams are always aimed at the spread of peace, harmony and justice.

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being
All the courses and the fellowships were designed to train the mentors to address the psychosocial needs and well-being of the community.
SDG 4 - Quality Education
The courses and the fellowship empower young leaders through interdisciplinary training, aligning to provide quality and holistic education to those in need beyond traditional school settings.
SDG 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
By developing mentors, leaders and fellows for a transformational societal impact, LUD aligns to promote peace, justice, and strong institutions.
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
LUD courses and training are implemented in collaboration with universities, colleges, corporations, community institutions, and for-profit/not-for-profit organisations.
Let Us Dream is a role model for community institutions, integrating research wings with SDG goals. The LUD Research team comprises researchers and scholars from various Higher Education Institutions worldwide. The team scientifically tests and validates the effectiveness of all its six interventions periodically and publishes articles. The team also studies its projects' sustainable impact, focusing on SDGs 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 16, and 17. Our robust research fosters innovation and contributes to societal progress. By aligning with global priorities, we actively address challenges, striving for outcome-based learning and holistic community growth.
Join us as we continue to ideate and implement sustainable initiatives for a brighter future by mailing to research@letusdream.org