(Global Youth Leadership Network)
This club provides a platform for young emerging and prospective professional leaders. Members represent diverse backgrounds and meet to discuss a wide variety of leadership topics based on each one’s expertise and knowledge. These future leaders expand their professional and leadership skills by networking and interacting with aspiring club members worldwide.
  • Provide a platform for members to discuss and explore diverse leadership topics, enhancing their leadership skills and knowledge.
  • Foster an environment where members share their expertise and knowledge, contributing to the collective learning of the group.
  • Create a supportive community where members can share challenges and successes, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual encouragement.
Tirukovela Srikar
Counselling Psychologist
How it works?
While each LUD Club has a distinct focus, the overall structure of the GYLN includes virtual meetings every Saturday, the third week of the month. This includes 12-15 active members who wish to engage in discourse grounded in shared interests. Generally, a group member assumes a manager role to ensure that meeting dates, times, and topics are collaboratively identified and scheduled. Clubs are self-organized, self-managed, and self-generated, and leadership is shared among group members. Mutual accountability is inherent in club discussions as much as there is a periodic sharing of goals and progress. A one-hour timebox for each meeting is maintained.
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20th January 2024 | Bangalore, India